Vengeful son stabs father

CEBU, Philippines - After his father bludgeoned him in the head a man got his revenge by stabbing his father in barangay Bagakay, Sibonga, last Sunday afternoon.

Dionisio Medrano, 59, is now in critical condition after suffering three stab wounds, one in the head and two in the body. He was rushed to the Carcar District Hospital but later transferred to the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City.

His son Alberto Medrano, 30, voluntarily surrendered to the responding policemen right after the incident.

PO3 Ederlino Bacusmo, Sibonga police investigator, said that Dionisio was lying outside the house of a neighbor to rest after he was released from detention Sunday morning.

Alberto, came by from drinking with friends, saw his father asleep and hurriedly went home to get an ice pick. Alberto then went back and without provocation stabbed his father thrice.

Bacusmo said that Alberto was mauled and bludgeoned in the head with a hard object by his father last Friday after they had an argument while drinking.

Alberto needed eight stitches to close the wound in his head, said the policeman.

Dionisio was detained after the incident but he was released after Alberto failed to file a case.

Alberto will be charged with frustrated parricide if Dionisio decides to pursue a case against his son.  (FREEMAN)

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