House adopts del Mar's resolution honoring Vidal

CEBU, Philippines - The House of Representative adopted on December 1 the resolution that seeks to honor Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal for his decades of service to the Cebuano Catholic community.

Resolution No. 53, which was proposed by Cebu City north district Rep. Rachel Marguerite del Mar, asks the House to give recognition to Vidal for “providing spiritual leadership and inspiration, helping the community avert or survive several crisis and conflicts, often acting as peacekeeper and giving the voice of moderation amid clashing views and interests in local and national issues.”

Del Mar said Vidal deserves recognition for interceding in conflicts such as military coups, labor disputes and eviction of squatters among others which has avoided bloodshed and brought peace by persuading opposing parties to agree on peaceful options and alternatives.

Last week, the Senate also adopted the resolution introduced by Juan Ponce Enrile that honors Vidal for acting as peace makers and voice of moderation.

In October, Pope Benedict XVI has accepted Vidal’s resignation and named Archbishop Jose Palma of Palo, Leyte as his successor.

Vidal first submitted his resignation to the pope in February 2006 when he turned 75 years old, which is the retirement age for priests as provided in the Code of Canon Law.

Palma will formally assume on January 14, 2011. (THE FREEMAN)

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