Suba poll winner denies fraud charges

CEBU, Philippines – The proclaimed barangay captain of Suba, Cebu City filed his answer and counter-protest before the sala of Municipal Trial Court in Cities Judge Monalila Tecson against his defeated rival who filed an election protest.

Rogelio Resurreccion, in his answer to the election protest filed by Apolonio Maranga, denied the accusations of Maranga that there was massive fraud or irregularity in the counting votes in the protested precincts.

He furthered denied that there were several instances wherein a person other than the registered voter was allowed to vote under the name of another, so as to get votes for him.

Also, Resurreccion said it's not true what Maranga said that what happened at the protested precincts were tainted with so much controversy that if corrected would alter the results of the election.

On the other hand, Resurreccion asked the court to dismiss the case filed by Maranga for lack of evidence. He added that the protestant failed to comply with the mandatory requirements in section 11, Rule 2 of Rules of Procedure in Election Protest.

Such section states that an election protest shall specifically state the facts, the position involved, the number of votes credited to the parties per proclamation and the total number of precincts of the municipality or the barangay concerned.

Resurreccion also cited that the protestant was duly represented by watchers during the conduct of the voting and counting of votes in each precinct of the barangay, as well as during the canvassing of election returns.

He said Maranga should be stopped from questioning the process and the result of the elections of the barangay as there were no protests or objections from his watchers during the proceedings.

"In fact, there were no objections or protest recorded in the minutes of voting and counting of votes as well as the canvassing of election returns during the October 25, 2010 Barangay and SK elections in Barangay Suba, Cebu City," Resurreccion said.

Resurreccion cited a margin of 173 votes, his lead over Maranga.

He stated in his counter-protest that various election anomalies, irregularities and fraud, discrepancies in the election returns, as well as rampant violations of election laws were committed by the protestant during the elections. (FREEMAN)

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