CH now has dancing tax collectors

CEBU, Philippines – The Cebu City government has found an innovative and entertaining way to thank the taxpayers.

Taxpayers were surprised yesterday when the employees of the city treasurer's office stood up and danced to Shakira's popular "Waka-waka" as their way to express their appreciation to their clients who pay their taxes promptly and religiously.

The launching of dancing tax collectors was inspired by the world renowned dancing inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

"Dugay na unta ni, after pa sa dancing inmates. We do believe that all works and no play makes the job a dull, so from time to time we will do this, this will also serve as our morning exercise," said city treasurer Ofelia Oliva.

Oliva said the employees will dance once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

"Ang healthy and sound mind, makita man gud kung physically active. Daghan na kaayo muanhi para mutanaw pero they have to pay sad. Every time mutukar ang music, everybody must stand up. If they don't, they have to submit a five-page explanation in English," Oliva said.

Aside from dancing, the city treasurer's office will also install a sound system in strategic areas at the second floor of the executive building for their 10:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock prayers.

Every Monday, they will also conduct a short program they call "Food for thought" where they will discuss and reflect bible passages that are relevant to public service.

On top of the dance entertainment, hungry taxpayers will now be served with free biscuits and coffee.

Oliva said that these are just some of their ways to keep their taxpayers as they are bond by the principle "Today's taxes are tomorrow's community progress."

Meanwhile, the treasurer's office has announced its new policy on the issuance of business permits.

Business permits will now be released within 15 minutes after the city treasurer streamlined and fast tracked the process.

"If musobra sa 15 minutes and pag-release, mubutang ang taxpayer sa box sa kind of service sa treasury. Then we will act on that immediately," Oliva said.

She added that the city is also drafting the proposed Multi-sectoral Tax Revenue Administration Council which will be composed of taxpayers from all walks of life.

"Before mu-pass og any ordinance ang city council regarding the tax, i-submit una sa body for it to be disseminated and consulted well. Because kung well understood ang tax drive, daghan mamayad og tax," she said. (FREEMAN)

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