Shabu sellers hack to death buyer who complained of high price

CEBU, Philippines - A man who allegedly complained of the price of the illegal drugs he bought ended being killed after he was mauled and hacked to death by three men in Barangay Caputatan Sur, Medellin Friday dawn.

The victim was identified as Romanito “RJ” Beguña, 28. The suspects, meanwhile, were Silveriano “Dodong” Sabrido, Jr., his brother Edwin, 28, and their father, Silveriano Sabrido, Sr.

Investigation showed that the conflict started when Beguña, a resident of Barangay Lamintak Norte, went to the house of the Sabridos to pay the illegal drugs he bought.

Het later complained of the high price of the substance.

The incident was reported to the police by Primitibo Ancit, Jr. who witnessed the hacking incident.

Ancit reported that based on what he knew, Beguña just received a pack of shabu from his son (Ancit’s son) who made the transaction with the eldest Sabrido.Upon receiving it, the victim and one Jefferson Hermoso drove towards the Sabridos’ house to pay for the prohibited drugs.

He paid Silveriano Sr. with P500 and was disappointed when he received only P100 as change.

A verbal tussle then ensued between the two which prompted Edwin, who heard their conversation, to maul the victim. Silveriano, Jr., armed with a cane cutter, also came and suddenly hacked the victim several times.

Ancit came and saw the suspects attacking the victim. He warned them to stop and was even wounded on his finger with the cane cutter when he intervened.

After the incident, the two siblings requested Ancit to drive the motorcycle and bring the two of them to the Bogo Police Station to surrender.

However, when they reached the national highway, the two asked him to stop then ran away as fast as they could and disappeared.Ancit drove immediately towards Medellin Police Station and reported the incident.

Responding policemen discovered the dead body of the victim at the Sabrido’s house and arrested Silveriano, Sr.

The eldest Sabrido is now detained while a hot pursuit operation is being conducted against the other two suspects. (THE FREEMAN)

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