Barangay treasurer sued for malversation

CEBU, Philippines – The barangay treasurer of Cambinocot, Cebu City, has been charged for malversation of public funds before the Regional Trial Court after he allegedly used P53,330 in barangay funds for his own benefit.

Graft investigator and prosecutor Sarah Jo Vergara of the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas found a probable cause to elevate to court the case for malversation of barangay treas-urer Allan Clarus.

Vergara recommended a bail of P40,000 for Clarus.

Last November 17, 2008, the account of the accused was found short of P53,330 representing unliquidated cash advances and collections that were never deposited to the baran-gay's bank account.

Clarus was ordered by COA to file his counter-affidavit but he failed to comply thus was deemed to have waived his right to defend himself and to deny all the allegations thrown against him.

"Upon a careful consolidation of the various facts or information presented therein, it can be readily ascertained that the accused had in his possession public funds that he failed to liquidate or otherwise account for, either during the audit itself or during the preliminary investigation by the Office of Visayas-Ombudsman," the resolution read.

In an affidavit, Francisca Jumao-as of the COA City Auditor's office, Cebu City, said that last November 17, 2008, she conducted an examination of the cash and accounts of Clarus consisting of collections and unliquidated cash advances covering the period from September 21, 2007 up to November 17, 2008, and she found out that Clarus was short of the mentioned amount.

The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas also said Clarus has no longer been reporting for work since he was last seen in office on November 4, 2008. He is also reportedly no longer living in his listed address. (FREEMAN)

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