Luigi condemns use of torture by some cops

CEBU, Philippines - Sixth District Rep. Gabriel Luis "Luigi" R. Quisumbing the other day condemned the use of torture by some police officials as a way to extract information from alleged criminals, as was shown on national television last week.

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the employment of torture tactics as a method of interrogation. Human rights must be respected at all times and there is never just cause to withhold the same. I am sending to the floor my version of the Whistleblower's Protection Act so that persons that bring these matters to the attention of the public will do so confident of protection under our laws," Quisumbing said.

Quisumbing's proposed Whistleblower's Protection Act or HB 2675, expands its definition along with other proposed measures that recognize any person or individual who has privileged or personal knowledge or access to data, events or information, of illegal conduct especially constituting graft and corruption.

According to Quisumbing, he will also set a mechanism that will secure and protect all informants against reprisals and against administrative, civil or criminal liability; ensure public disclosures are made to proper authorities; and establish a monetary reward system as a form of incentive.

The sixth district solon commends the person who submitted the video to the media.

He said that "with the passage of this measure, public participation for good governance will be practiced because there's a law that will protect all informants". (FREEMAN)

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