Four Roses lot: Second motion to quash demolition still pending

CEBU, Philippines – The second motion for reconsideration to quash the writ of demolition filed by the residents of the Four Roses Neighborhood Association in Barangay Apas is still pending for resolution.

In the hearing yesterday of the said motion acting judge Olegario Sarmiento said that the second motion for reconsideration filed by the resident is still pending after it has been heard and the petitioner already submitted their opposition.

In the motion they asked the court that the Four Roses should not be demolished.

Roberto Palmares, lawyer of Mariano Godinez, who is claiming to own the lot the residents live on, said that his client is already in the "twilight of his existence" yet has not received any rent from his land.

But, according to Ramises Villagonzalo, counsel for the Four Roses, the residents will continue to fight as they have lived for quite some time in the lot.

He also claimed that the Four Roses lot is a socialized housing zone and should not be demolished.

"We will continue the case whatever the outcome of the ruling we will then plan to elevate the case to a higher court," Villagonzalo said.

Godinez said in his motion for opposition that the residents are "nothing but professional squatters having admittedly occupied the premises for 50 years more or less, without paying any rental or anything and bereft of any agreement with him as the registered owner by way of leasing or selling the premises to them."

For Godinez, the defendants are, clearly, "occupants and builders in bad faith."

He pointed out that the title of the lots was in the name of a Godinez even before the World War II. The title was registered in the name of Godinez's father and trans-ferred to his name after the war, he told the court. (FREEMAN)

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