Cop sued for hurting, "terrorizing" neighbors

CEBU, Philippines - A police officer assigned at the Mandaue City Police Office is now facing charges in court for allegedly hitting and “terrorizing” his neighbors in Barangay Yati, Liloan.

The complainant, Alexander Jardin, has filed a case before the Province Prosecutor’s Office yesterday against Police Officer III Edmundo Bilocura for physical injuries, grave threats, malicious mischief, violation of the COMELEC Gun Ban and R. A. 7610 or Special Protection of Children against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.

In his affidavit, Jardin narrated that on May 23, 2010 at about 5:30 p.m., his four-year-old daughter and the son of Bilocura were playing on the street in their subdivision when the cop’s son suddenly struck the left eye of his daughter with a stick causing injury and bleeding.

Immediately, the complainant said he carried his daughter inside his house when he saw her bleeding and said in a vernacular words “Nayawa na ni, nagkadugo na ang mata sa akong anak.”

At that time the police officer was allegedly having a drinking spree with his friend and heard Jardin saying “Nayawa na.”

Bilocura allegedly misinterpreted it and reacted angrily while pointing his finger to Jardin and shouted “Ayaw ko’g yawa yawa-a kay polis ko.” When Jardin tried to explain, the policeman allegedly suddenly kicked him hitting his left arm causing injury.

When Khen Jardin, younger brother of the complainant, saw what was happening, he allegedly tried to meddle but the policeman suddenly collard and boxed him several times hitting him on the chest causing injuries and bruises.

Khen allegedly struggled and eventually freed himself from the hold of the policeman.

At this point, Bilocura allegedly ran to his house and when came back, he was allegedly armed with a hand gun revolver which he pointed at the brothers, causing them fear and panic.

While pointing his gun to Khen, Bilocura allegedly uttered threatening and challenging words “Isog ka, isog gyud ka?” and allegedly boxed Khen again on the chest which prompted Khen to run towards the gate and proceeded to report the incident to the Liloan Police Station.

When complainant wanted to go back inside their house, the accused prevented him from entering the gate stoning him several times which prompted him to follow his brother in the police station.

Thereafter upon reaching their house coming from the police station, the complainant’s wife, Maria Cecelia Jardin, and their two children were crying because they are scared and traumatized.

Maria Cecelia claimed that their house was stoned several times by the accused causing damage on their door with estimated amount of P6, 000.

She also said the policeman stabbed the tire of their car and cut off the cords of her husband’s fighting cocks. She pegged the total damage at P7, 500.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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