Salimbangon wants House to probe power crisis

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu Fourth District Rep. Benhur Salimbangon will initiate a congressional inquiry on the ongoing power crisis being experienced in the Visayas, specifically in Cebu.

 Salimbangon, who was given a fresh mandate to serve the people in the province’s fourth district, told The FREEMAN that the series of brownouts has already shunned away potential investors to do their business here.

“I will initiate a congressional inquiry on the power situation in the Visayas kay daghan mga investors ang ma-turned off,” Salimbangon said.

He added that as soon as the 15th Congress will convene this June, he will immediately file the bill for the said purpose.

Salimbangon added that the power situation, especially the lack of power generation, has to be addressed as soon as possible.

“This power deficiency is bad for the economy especially here in Cebu,” Salimbangon said.

The Visayan Electric Company Inc. has been implementing rotating brownouts since January this year amidst the dwindling power supply in the Visayas. (FREEMAN NEWS)

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