Jeepney barker shot dead

CEBU, Philippines - A former police asset who later eked out a living as a jeepney barker  was shot dead by unidentified men while on board a jeepney in barangay Tabunok Talisay City yesterday morning.

Victoriano Tabliga Jr., 58, married, a resident of Mananga II in barangay Tabunok sustained a gunshot wound on his right cheek.

His wife, Maria Fe in an interview over the radio said her husband had gone to work early.

Police said the man was shot while on board a jeepney.

The police have no witnesses at the moment but are confident the case would be solved very soon.

PO2 Jundave David, Talisay city homicide investigator said the motive could be related to the job.

Maria Fe said her husband was one of the dispatchers granted by the mayor with an exemption to work as a dispatcher in the area.

The police removed all jeepney barkers in the city in compliance with the anti-dispatching ordinance.

“Nagduda ko nga basin ug gisuya-an ni akong bana sa ubang mga dispatser kay gitagaan mani siya ug exemption sa mayor,” Maria Fe said.

Also, PO2 David said Tabliga was a former informer and had helped the police a lot.—Gabriel C. Bonjoc (THE FREEMAN)

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