Talisay conducts random drug test

CEBU, Philippines - Following reports that the Talisay City Hall could be teeming with workers who are addicted to drugs, the city government yesterday conducted a random drug testing to find out whether the allegations were true.

City administrator Richel Bacaltos said 100 regular employees including department heads submitted themselves to the test, which was conducted by a private firm.

The test, which was conducted by a private firm, was done shortly after the department heads’ regular meeting, hence, they were the first to be tested.

Workers from the offices of the city health, accounting, engineering, and civil security units also took part.

City health officer Lino Alanzado, who also submitted urine samples, said workers of the mentioned offices were part of the first batch, as there will be another test.

As to when the next drug testing will be, no one is telling so as not to defeat the purpose, he said.

Although there had been plans to conduct a random drug testing earlier, the date was never revealed.

Alanzado said it takes three to four days for a drug, like amphetamine, locally known as shabu, for example, to be completely washed out from the user’s body, hence, there is no escaping if the person has used it a day before.

The idea to hold a drug test for city hall workers came after CSU chief Rogelio Villaver had claimed that a number of these employees, casuals included, abuse drugs. Villaver had even submitted the names of those he claimed have been hooked to drugs. – Liv G. Campo   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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