Visayas' power supply back to normal

CEBU, Philippines - Power transmission utility and system operator, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines, reported yesterday that the Visayas grid no longer experience generation deficiency with a reserve of  31 megawatts.

In a press statement, NGCP said that the Visayas grid has an available 1,193 megawatts of power or an excess of 31 megawatts on top of the 1,162 megawatts that is needed during peak demand.

As of yesterday, Luzon likewise no longer experience a generation deficiency as it has a total reserves of 1,020 megawatts.

However, NGCP said Mindanao continues to experience a generation deficiency of 310 megawatts with zero power supply reserve.

NGCP added that total reserves increased from 717 MW the other day to 1,020 MW yesterday.

“This may be attributed to the increase in the available capacity from 0 MW to 350 MW of Malaya Thermal Plant (Unit 2) operated by Kepco Philippines,” the NGCP statement added.

The agency added that the Visayas grid has improved and now has reserves of up to 31 MW.

The available capacity in the grid has increased due to the coming in of Salcon Power’s Cebu Thermal Power Plant Unit 1 which is now loaded with 50 MW after it was shutdown for maintenance activities for almost a week.

The prevailing generation deficiency in Mindanao is attributed to limited available capacities from hydro power plants, most of which have water reservoirs that are drying up due to the El Niño. 

NGCP added that they will continue to monitor power grid conditions. —Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/WAB     (FREEMAN NEWS)

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