Public consultation on "sextortion"

CEBU, Philippines - The Philippine Women Judges Association in coordination with the International Association of Women Judges will hold a multi-sectoral consultation on sextortion in Cebu next week on February 8, 2010.

Sextortion refers to the act of extorting money from a person by using the subject’s sexual dalliances.

The consultation here in Cebu will be held at the Parklane International Hotel.

The consultation is an offshoot of a study on sexortion in Manila, Cebu, and Davao using survey and key informant interviews with judges, prosecutors, defense counsels, detention officers, barangay officials, and non-government organizations. 

The study was supported by the Dutch government.

The research study was conducted to gauge the respondents’ awarenees on sextortion and the extent of the problem in their respective areas. Findings and recommendations will assist PWJA in publishing a final, valid and comprehensive country report on the issue.

Results of the study and the consultation will also be used to formulate a validated tool kit and skills-based training design for judges, prosecutors, law practitioners, and law enforcers in addressing sextortion as a crime against women and other members of the community.

The tool kit is aimed to build competence among judges, prosecutors, law practitioners, and law enforces in handling sextortion cases.

The results of the research study will be presented by PWJA and IAWJ to participants of the consultation and to representatives of the judiciary to validate the findings and recommendations.

Judges, prosecutors, public defense, law enforcement personnel, detention officers from the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Commission on Human Rights, Office of Ombudsman, non-government organizations, and media will be represented in the said consultation. - Johanna T. Natavio/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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