ONE OF SUSPECTS FALLS Cops survive ambush by armed men

CEBU, Philippines - A team of police officers from the Provincial Mobile Patrol Group was ambushed by an alleged group of armed men while the former were conducting a roving patrol in Sitio Tubod, Barangay Duguan, Dumanjug town yesterday dawn.

Insp. Roland Aliser, the group’s team leader, said they went to the area to check the veracity of information they received about a group of alleged armed men who were roaming around and terrorizing the people by doing indiscriminate firing.

But at past midnight, while the policemen were onboard a civilian multicab pick-up, they met four armed men along the way and ordered them to stop. The suspects allegedly heeded the authorities’ order but the latter were surprised when the armed men suddenly fired shots at them.

“Nakuratan sad siguro to sila pagkakita nila namu nga armado pud mi mao nga gibirahan dayon mi nila,” Aliser said.

The police officials said they were able to return fire with the use of their M14 and M16 service firearms causing the suspects to scamper away. Later, one of the alleged armed men, identified as Mathias Nacion, 30, a resident of the place, was arrested after he was hit by the bullet to the right leg and arm while his companions eluded arrest by jumping off a bridge.

Police also recovered a .38 snub nose revolver and .45 caliber pistol at the area where the suspects jumped.

Aliser said they still have to do a background check to know if Nacion and his companions have criminal records with the police.

“Known naman gyud na lugara nga armado ang mga tao. Gani sa text sa among asset sige ni sila og pabuto diha sa ilang armas,” Aliser said.

Aside from their vehicle, which was hit on the right side, Aliser said that none of his men got hurt during the incident. — Gabriel C. Bonjoc/WAB (FREEMAN NEWS)

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