Man charged for murder of buddy

CEBU, Philippines - A man has been charged with murder and frustrated murder before the Regional Trial Court yesterday for allegedly killing his drinking buddy in while they were drinking last December 6 in Naga

Francisco Bastismo was accused as one of the suspects in the death of Renaldo Baricuatro during an argument while they were drinking.

Also to face charges were Francisco’s brothers - Dopeter, Lorenzo and Domelo - who are all still at large.

According to one of the victims, Reyner Torreon, he saw Baricuatro along with Francisco and Dopeter drinking at a videoke house in Langtad, Naga.

Torreon said that Baricuatro moved out of the drinking spree, approached him at the chapel and asked if he wants to go with him near the highway.

While they were heading towards Francisco and Dopeter’s location, Francisco and Baricuatro had an argument.

It was then that Francisco and Dopeter left on board a motorcycle and returned later with Domelo and Lorenzo.

Torreon said that Lorenzo, who was already holding a revolver, shot Baricuatro, which caused the victim to fall to the ground.

Torreon tried to escape but he was also hit in the leg. Fortunately he was able to hide. — Jasmin R. Uy/LPM   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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