Yeung: No part in blessing of campaign materials

Bogo mayoralty aspirant Mariquita Salimbangon-Yeung said she was in no way involved in the incident where campaign materials were blessed on the altar of the San Vicente Ferrer Archdiocesan Shrine in the said town.

Yeung is in India but left a letter that was read in a press conference yesterday. 

She said that she was not present during the event that happened last November 20 wherein thousands of Bogo residents held a prayer rally urging her to run for mayor.

A video that was later uploaded on YouTube showed parish priest Msgr. Jojo Dosado reportedly blessing election paraphernalia placed on the altar, including the picture of Yeung.

“Using the Mass or even highlighting the goodwill of the officiating priest for political purpose has never entered my mind. Only people who want to discredit me would depict me and my family in that light,” the letter read

“This is just a black propaganda in order to discredit the Salimbangons,” said fourth district Rep. Benhur Salimbangon, the brother of Mariquita.

While Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal said all priests should be non-partisan he will no longer call for an investigation into reports that Dosado blessed the campaign materials.

The Archbishop however emphasized that the altar is a sacred place since it is the center of the Church and symbolizes the body of Christ and things like election materials should not just be put there.

Mariquita is running against incumbent Bogo Mayor Celestino “Junie” Martinez while Benhur is running for reelection against Celestino “Tining” Martinez, whom he defeated in the 2007 elections.

Mariquita added that she made the decision to run when she saw thousands of people urging her to accept their requests and despite the threats and the anonymous calls for her to withdraw, she shall not do so.

“And to the people of Bogo, you challenged me to run. I have accepted the challenge. Now I challenge you. I will not campaign for security reasons upon the advice of my family and the police. I leave it up to you to campaign,” Mariquita added.

She said if elected she will only have a salary of P1 per year.

Mariquita’s runningmate is her older brother, Cesar, who is also a neophyte in politics just like her.

Mariquita, the founder of the Mariquita Salimbangon-Yeung Charitable Institution, also added that it is a huge sacrifice on her part to join politics.

Meanwhile, Rep. Salimbangon said that he will personally deliver today a letter addressed to PNP chief Jesus Verzosa to ask for a security detail for Mariquita, Cesar and himself until the end of the election period.

The Salimbangons have reportedly been receiving death threats.

“That tension, we must admit, and cannot deny, has reached its highest peak now that Mariquita and Cesar has joined the fray in the upcoming May 2010 elections,” the letter addressed to the PNP chief read. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/BRP

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