Good vs. Evil Movement is formally launched

CEBU, Philippines - More than 500 representatives from non-government organizations and church and youth groups attended the launch of the Good vs. Evil Movement at the Cardinal’s palace yesterday afternoon.

City Administrator Francisco “Bimbo” Fernandez, chairman of Pagtambayayong Foundation and front liner of the movement, said Good. Vs. Evil is intended to raise the level of politics and awareness among voters of next year’s polls.

Fernandez said the movement also aims to put a demarcation line between the good in conscientious voting against patronage politics.

During the opening mass in yesterday’s launch, Fr. Oscar Camomot urged the supporters of the movement to give their best to advance their cause and to not be shaken by intrigues and trials.

Camomot, himself a supporter of the movement, also donated the collection from the mass to the organizers as a startup fund.

Fernandez reiterated that the movement will not endorse any candidate.

He also said the movement will continue even after next year’s elections.

“We want to raise the level of our politics kay demokrasya man god ta. Sa ato pa, ug dili maayo ang atong mga leader, kita maoy sad-an kay ang pagpili sa maayong mga leader is our responsibility and choice. At least, ang mga botante makahunahuna that they have to take this coming election seriously,” Fernandez said.

Following the concept that money is the root of all evil, Good vs.Evil also aims to encourage candidates, as well as the electorate, not to engage in vote buying.

Some of the politicians present in yesterday’s launching were Cebu City North District Congressman Raul Del Mar and his daughter, Congressional aspirant Rachel del Mar, barangay Luz captain Nida Cabrera, and Alvin Dizon. Cabrera and Dizon are eyeing for slots in the administration’s lineup of councilors for the city’s north district. — Jasmin R. Uy/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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