Good citizenship gab set next week

CEBU, Philippines - A way to promote peace and order is to support the conduct of the first Visayan Congress on Good Citizenship, which is held from September 24 to 25.

Sandra G. Clemente, Visayan Congress coordinator, believed that the root of all problems involving peace and order is the lack of spiritual values.

Clemente said a congress on good citizenship is needed to put an end to these problems

“What we need are reforms in socio-political-economic and spiritual values that will lead to transformation and that will lead to transformation and put an end to problems, like poverty and corruption,” she said.

Aside from the Cebu City government and inter-faith sectors, those supporting the holding of the congress, to be held at the Golden Peak Hotel, are the Good Citizenship Movement, EDSA People Power Commission, University of Cebu and the Department of Education.

Rolando Dizon, who chairs the Good Citizens Movement, said the congress is part of their effort since 2004 to promote adherence to core Filipino values to be good citizens. George Chiu, the City Hall’s representative to the event, said members of different religions are welcome to join the event because its aim is to promote peace for the good of the country.

The City Council declared September as Interfaith and Peace Month, particularly because September 21 was also declared as the United Nations International Day of Peace.

After the two-day congress, a “Pasalamat concert” will be conducted at the Cebu Coliseum after a parade. — Rene U. Borromeo/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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