Prosecution lawyer Kit Enriquez in an interview yesterday said that they have agreed in a meeting with defense lawyer Orlando Salatandre and Regional Trial Court Branch 10 judge Soliver Peras that the defense will have to answer their motion to cancel bail of cult leader Ruben Ecleo Jr., acting on reports that he is no longer a “walking time bomb” who can “die anytime” anymore.
The resumption of the parricide case against the cult leader has been reset from September 23 to October 14. The prosecution asked the court to resolve a pending motion for the cancellation of Ecleo’s bail.
“Tagaan ang defense og time to answer ten days from today on our motion and we also have another five days to make a comment on their side. They will also be given another five days for them to answer our argument,” Enriquez said in an interview.
Enriquez said that they will be pushing for the resolution on the issue of the bail in the start of the hearing.
“They have to present witnesses to refute our allegation that the accused is not in good health,” he said.
The judge will make a ruling on our formal offer, defense will also present witnesses after the resolution of the motion to cancel bail.
Lawyer Fritz Quinañola, who led the filing of the motion before Peras, said it is necessary for the court to decide on their motion which has been left unresolved for three years.
On March 1, 2004, RTC Judge Generosa Labra of RTC Branch 23 granted a P1-million bail to Ecleo for “health reasons”.
Doctors of the cult certified that Ecleo’s heart condition made him a “walking time bomb” who might “drop dead anytime” because of probable cardiac complications.”
The decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeals in July 27, 2009.
“Be that as it may, in any event, there is nothing to prevent the court below from reviewing or revisiting the grant of bail to herein respondent,” said the CA.
Ecleo was subjected to a medical examination at the request of the prosecution.
Dr. Generoso Matiga, a cardiologist of Perpetual Soccour Hospital, testified that Ecleo has no significant coronary disease which would endanger his life if the accused is sent back to jail.
Defense lawyers insisted that the medical, echocardiographic, treadmill stress test and cardiac catheterization report of Matiga were all “baseless”. — Jasmin R. Uy/BRP (THE FREEMAN)