Alcoy detainee hangs self

CEBU, Philippines - A detainee of Alcoy Police Station was found hanging lifeless inside the police detention cell’s comfort room early morning yesterday.

The fatality was identified as Reynaldo Jurac, 33, a fisherman, single and resident of Barangay Pugalo.

Police investigation revealed that around 12:30 a.m., PO2 Herbert Pananganan still saw the Jurac sitting inside the detention cell but did not notice something unusual on the latter.

But at around 5:30 a.m., another detainee, Arnold Adlawan, informed the police officers that he found Jurac hanging inside their detention cell’s comfort room.

Police officers immediately checked and saw the victim hanging from the grill bar of the comfort room’s window with the string of his jacket tied around his neck.

PO2 Melvin Collados, desk officer of Alcoy Police Station said the victim was jailed for the case of grave threat filed by his own brother at the Municipal Circuit Trial Court in Boljoon town.

Police officers found writings in the victim’s left arm, left wrist and his abdomen with the use of pentel pen, saying “Wa’y pasayloay.”

Collados said that prior to the incident, Jurac borrowed a pen yesterday so they can make “damahan” but he allegedly failed to return it. — Christopher Gabriel C. Bonjoc/WAB   (THE FREEMAN)

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