Abandoned NPC plant catches fire

CEBU, Philippines – A fire hit an abandoned building of the National Power Corporation plant in barangay Talavera, Toledo City yesterday afternoon.

Sr. Insp. Randy Mendaros, Toledo City Fire Marshall, said the fire started at the building’s underground where crude oil and other wastes were stored. The fire reportedly broke a little past 3pm and crawled up to the third floor in just 15 minutes.

Mendaros said their first move is to secure three big tanks of crude oil situated near the plant to prevent them from catching fire and spreading the fire farther.

Mendaros said contractors of the abandoned plant also went to the area to have the structure demolished.

Fire personnel from neighboring towns Pinamungahan, Aloguinsan, Asturias and Balamban assisted the Toledo Fire Department in responding to the alarm.

No one was injured in the incident. — Johanna T. Natavio/JMO (THE FREEMAN)  

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