Gay claims call boy robbed him

CEBU, Philippines – A 33-year-old homosexual man went to the police after he was allegedly robbed by two men while with a call boy in a lodging house along Leon Kilat St. early morning yesterday.

The victim also claimed that the call boy Romeo Llanes, 36, of sitio Tinabangay, barangay Alaska Mambaling was in connivance with two unidentified robbers.

The robbery victim said he and call boy agreed to have sex in a lodging house along Leon Kilat St. past 3 a.m. It was after they had sex when two men entered their rented room and held them up.

“Sa ubos pa daan nagduda na gyud ko kay nagpaatbang man ang duha. Unya klaro gyud kaayo nga konsabo to sila kay siya man ang niabli sa pultahan,” the victim said.

He further claimed that Llanes left with the two robbers after they had taken his iPhone worth P10,000, wristwatch worth P6,000 and P2,400 in cash.

After the incident the victim went to the Fuente police station and reported the crime. Policemen later arrested Llanes around 4:30 a.m. yesterday morning along Juana Osmeña Ext.

 Llanes denied he was in connivance with two robbers saying he is also a victim of robbery.

Llanes said he is also contemplating filing charges against the victim after the latter failed to pay him the amount they agreed on.

Despite his denial, the policemen detained Llanes and robbery charges will be filed against the suspect together with two unidentified men. – Ramil V. Ayuman/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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