Move to criminalize taxi meter tampering supported

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu City Councilor Arsenio Pacaña is supporting the move to criminalize the tampering of taxi meters in the wake of mounting complaints from the riding public.

Pacaña said he received reports that some unscrupulous taxi drivers tampered their meters by installing an accelerating device, use a tiny magnet, electronics or a hand-held control device.

He said even if the taxi fares are already high these are still the preferred mode of transportation by commuters who want speedy and comfortable travel.

Pacaña said the limited powers and the low penalties that the local government units can impose against the violators may not be sufficient enough to deter unscrupulous drivers from cheating and overcharging their passengers with the use of taxi meters with an accelerating device.

He learned that there is a pending bill in Congress, which seeks to criminalize the tampering of taxi meters all over the country.

“If not properly addressed on time, the unabated money-fleeing activities of some unscrupulous taxi drivers and operators will definitely be a glaring minus factor in the country’s campaign to upgrade the business environment, especially the tourism industry,” Pacaña added.

Pacaña, chairman of the Committee on Tourism of the Cebu City Council, said this illegal activity of some taxi drivers or operators must be stopped immediately.

Aside from the tampering of taxi meters, some taxi drivers also convince commuters to use the so-called “sabot-sabot” system and also refuse to transport others. — Rene U. Borromeo/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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