Drug after-care program to be made mandatory

CEBU, Philippines – The Department of Health together with the Dangerous Drug Board met with representatives of different agencies yesterday to discuss matters regarding the implementation of the after-care program for the recovery of drug dependents.

DDB Undersecretary Paul Clarence Oaminal said that in compliance with Republic Act 9165, it should be mandatory to implement the after-care program for patients leaving drug rehabilitation centers.

Oaminal said that the Department of Health, headed by after-care program coordinator Dr. Jocelyn Abellana, will be in charge of the program which will help the patients from the rehabilitation centers turn their back on their previous addictions after they return to society.

According to Oaminal, representatives from the Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Social Welfare and Services and judges from the Regional Trial Court will also be tapped to help in the program.

He said that the judges will also be monitoring the cases of the patients sent to the rehabilitation centers and an order has also been made by the court that counseling will not only include the patients but their families as well.

He explained that after a patient returns to his community after six months up to a year of rehabilitation it doesn’t mean that the monitoring and the program should stop there.

The after-care program will monitor the patient and have him go through seminars and trainings which will help him recover spiritually and mentally.

Oaminal said that the patients and the parents will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Agreement for the full participation of the program and after they finish the program, they will be given a certification.

Two government-run rehabilitation centers in the Cebu City and Argao, plus some private centers offer to rehabilitate drug users.

The after-care program reportedly started in Davao where it was a great success.  

Under the Law, The Department of Health is mandated to oversee and monitor the integration, coordination and supervision of all drug rehabilitation, after-care and follow up programs as mandated by RA 9165 or known as “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”.

Under section 56 of this Law, it states that “the Department of Health through accredited physicians shall prescribe a comprehensive aftercare and follow-up program which the dependent should adhere to in order to complete at least 18 months, depending on the assessment and evaluation of the physician and subject to the approval of the court.”

They said concerted efforts need to be done as one sector cannot handle the drug abuse problem alone. — AJ de la Torre and Johanna T. Natavio/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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