3 men, woman cleared of abduction, rape

CEBU, Philippines - For lack of evidence, the Regional Trial Court has acquitted three men and a woman of allegedly abducting and raping a 19-year-old salesgirl in 2003.

During yesterday’s promulgation of the case, RTC branch 18 Judge Galicano Arriesgado ordered the release of the four accused because the evidence was lacking to prove their conviction. All four accused who were charged for the crime of forcible abduction with rape pleaded not guilty during the trial.

According to the alleged victim, whose name is being withheld, she was abducted by the accused, Marnelli Darjuan, Christopher Ramos, Eric Publico and Rodrigo Jacalan with a certain “Butsoy” and Roel Mangyao who are still both at large.

The prosecution stated that at around 10 p.m. of December 3, 2003, the victim chanced upon her friend, Darjuan and asked her about the cell phone she asked her to sell. Darjuan allegedly told her that she already used it to buy shabu and could not return the money so the victim left.

As she was crossing the street to board a jeepney for home, the victim was suddenly blocked by a white car where a man, identified as the accused Christopher Ramos, came out and pointed a knife at her.

Ramos allegedly ordered her to board the car while Publico pulled her inside. When she was inside the car, “Butsoy” and Publico started touching her lap while Jacalan said that she will be brought to Lorega.

According to the victim, she only saw the accused for the first time except for Darjuan. She was blindfolded while her mouth was covered with a handkerchief. Moreover, she allegedly overheard the accused of arguing whether she will be killed after she will be raped. 

Thereafter, the victim took off the blindfold as she saw Darjuan and “Butsoy” who allegedly made her drink a glass of water laced with medicine that made her dizzy.

Publico started raping her before Mangyao and Jacalan did. She allegedly could no longer tell if it was Ramos or “Butsoy” who followed. The victim also claimed that Darjuan sexually molested her by inserting her finger into her private part.   — Angelica Odias and Iris Christine Cornito/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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