BoC Cebu confident to meet target in '09

Cebu - Bureau of Customs Port of Cebu district collector Ricardo Belmonte is urging all officials and employees at the bureau to continue working hard as its target collection for 2009 has increased by P1 billion to P6 billion in 2009.

“For 2009, we have to work harder and even to work like a carabao. Our target has increased to P6 billion. But we will be able to hurdle this,” Belmonte said in his message during their annual Christmas Party the other day.

Belmonte said that 2008 is the banner year for the Port of Cebu as it reached its target of P5 billion as early as the end of November.

BOC assessment division chief Carlos Corsiga is optimistic that even if their target collection is increased by P1 billion, if the teamwork among the personnel will continue, then there is no reason why they cannot achieve their target.

Corsiga is also hoping that the volume of importation will increase next year. He also hopes that the peso would not appreciate, which is one major factor that would encourage importation.

BOC-Port of Mactan collector Ernesto Urbano is also optimistic to reach their 2009 target collection.

“With the cooperation of everybody, the 2009 target collection is achievable,” Urbano said.

BOC-Cebu has a target collection of P5,013,545,731.36 this year and they are already above the target by P13,545,731.36.

BOC assessment division assistant chief Florante Ricarte, said that from January to November 2008, their volume of importation is 2,107,789 metric tons, which is higher by 1,020 metric tons as compared to the same period of 2007 wherein the total volume of importation is 2,1096,769 metric tons.

Ricarte said that although the difference is not that high but nevertheless, the volume of importation has increased and has greatly contributed to their collection.

Arneth Von Manquiquis, assistant chief of the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service said that they too are very happy that the bureau was able to reach its target even one month ahead of schedule.

Meanwhile, the BOC Assessment Division was adjudged as champion in their Caroling Christmas presentation, followed by the CIIS Division and the Port of Mactan.

In the parol making contest, the CIIS Division won first prize, second prize goes to the Administrative Division and third prize went to the Port of Mactan. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/NLQ (THE FREEMAN)


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