Vidal: I can't transfer priests

Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal said he cannot transfer the three priests accused of corruption as what the over 1,000 parishioners in Lapu-Lapu City are asking him in a petition.

Devotees of the National Shrine of the Virgen de la Regla of Lapu-Lapu City recently signed and claimed to have sent a petition addressed to the prelate expressing their demand for the transfer of Rev. Frs. Pedro Arguillas, Roberto Bob Villanueva, and Fabian Cayetano for their alleged failure to account for the church’s income and expenses from cash donations collected every Mass.

Vidal, however, said he cannot transfer the three priests without the endorsement from their superior.

“In cases like this involving a religious priest, they must go and settle things first with the superior of these priests, not in me,” he said. “We, at the diocese, transfer priests based on recommendation from the superiors assigned in particular areas.”

The prelate explained that it is the job of their superior to assess and investigate the matter whose result will be forwarded to the cardinal who will finally judge on the matter.

Vidal, however, said that he has not received any petition so far. And even if the complainants direct the complaint to him, he said he will still turn over it to the superior of the concerned priests.

The prelate questioned why the parishioners opted to go first to the media “when the media cannot do anything to help them.” He advised the complainants to settle the issues and problems within their parish level before bringing it to the higher authority.

Cebu Archdiocese Media Liaison officer Msgr. Achilles Dakay frowned over the publication of two of the priests’ photographs while not a single name or photograph from the over 1,000 accusers was published.

He said that the church and the media have already agreed during one celebration of the press freedom in Cebu that media will not broadcast or publish videos or photographs of priests accused unless proven guilty.

Vidal reminded the public that there are appropriate procedures that they should observe and these include the systematic process of resolving conflicts concerning the parishes, adding the publication of their letter is unnecessary.

Despite that, Vidal said he will give them the privilege to be listened to when he decides to call the involved parties in a dialog.

Reports said that aside from alleged corruption, the parishioners in Lapu-Lapu City also complained against the alleged hostility of the three priests towards parish-based communities.

The accused priests also allegedly ask for second collection for a certain project that was delayed because the priests allegedly prioritized buying luxury cars “which is in violation of their vow of poverty.” — Jessica Ann Pareja/WAB(THE FREEMAN)

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