Girl,18, robbed by 2 minors in Pinamungajan town

CEBU – Could it be that syndicates are now using minors to carry out a crime?

Following the reported “akyat bahay” incident in Bantayan Island early this month, police recorded a robbery in Pinamungahan town allegedly perpetrated by three minors last Friday.

Records of the Cebu Provincial Police Office revealed Edeza Clare Tangarorang, 18, was driving her motorcycle at a moderate speed heading towards sitio Bonbon past 5pm when intercepted allegedly by three youngsters.

One of the three reportedly aimed a gun at her back and ordered her to hand her bag over to them. Tangarorang said her bag contained P2,800 cash supposedly for her tuition fee. She estimated the youngsters to be between 12 to 15 years old.

When they already have Tangarorang’s bag, the three youngsters reportedly proceeded to a waiting taxi and sped off towards Aloguinsan town.

The police, however, failed to locate the taxi.

Under the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, children 15 years old and below may be granted absolute criminal liability. – Ferliza C. Contratista/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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