NBI files estafa raps vs. two women selling lots

CEBU - Charges for estafa were filed yesterday before the Cebu City Prosecutors’ Office against two women officials of an organization, who were caught in an entrapment operation by the National Bureau of Investigation for allegedly selling public lots without authority.

The NBI brought Teresita Rota and Milagros Tinga to the city prosecutor’s office yesterday afternoon for inquest investigation for violation of the Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code otherwise known as Estafa.

However, assistant city prosecutor Patrick Osorio, who conducted the inquest investigation, ordered the release of the respondents and docketed the case against them on a regular preliminary investigation in which they will be required to submit their respective counter-affidavits.

Osorio said he will also require the NBI to submit additional evidence to prove the validity of the arrest.

According to Osorio, Rota and Tinga could not be subjected to inquest on an alleged crime that happened sometime in July yet.

In fact, the complaint filed by the couple Leah and Lord John Genise before the NBI, which was used as basis for the entrapment operation last Monday is not even included in the case that was filed yesterday.

Osorio advised the Ginese couple to file a separate complaint for estafa against Rota and Tinga.

Rota and Tinga, vice president and Secretary of the Millennium 2 Homeowners Association, respectively, were arrested in an entrapment operation last Monday in barangay Banilad.

They were allegedly enticing urban poor to sign up membership forms with their association with a promise to own a residential lot in sitio Sapsapan, Bato, Cogon Pardo for a minimal cost. Those who sign up are made to pay P11,475 as membership fee.

The entrapment operation stemmed from the complaint filed by the Genise couple.

The couple said that sometime in June, a certain Linsley Patoc referred them to Rota for an affordable lots intended for the urban poor.

They were allegedly required to pay the membership fee and awarded a 96-square meter lot in Cogon Pardo with a supposed monthly amortization of only P200.

However, when the complainants visited the lot, they found out that it was a pond. The Genise couple said they immediately informed Rota that they will withdraw the money because it is impossible for them to construct a house in the pond.

They were allegedly told to wait until somebody will assume the rights awarded to them before they could get their money back. However, until now Rota failed to return the money.

According to the complainants, they have already filed a complaint before the barangay Cogon-Pardo but Rota only made several promises. – Fred P. Languido/NLQ (THE FREEMAN)

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