COA questions appointment of Consolacion town official

CEBU – The Commission on Audit questioned the appointment of an official of Consolacion town in northern Cebu for lack of required papers to support his current position.

In its annual report, COA said that Municipal Administrator Jerson Marano receives his salaries and other benefits despite the fact that the Civil Service Commission had invalidated his appointment.

The local government appointed Marano as municipal administrator after Siegfred Cataluna left the position after he was appointed as town accountant last May 18, 2006.

As a municipal administrator, Marano has received P122, 492 annually for his salaries and other additional benefits.

However, CSC Director II Ma. Victoria Gabud invalidated the appointment of Cataluna as town accountant.

Under such circumstances, auditors explained that Cataluna falls back to his position as municipal administrator while Marano would be without a position since he was not occupying any position in the municipality before he was appointed as municipal administrator.

Replying to audit report, Mayor Avelino Gungob justified that Marano simply filled in the position left vacant by Cataluna.

The mayor said the town government even served notices of job vacancy and furnished the CSC with the same notices.

But state auditors insisted that the appointment of Cataluna “has to be invalidated.”

COA had issued a memorandum asking the town government to submit the “valid” appointments of Marano as town administrator and Cataluna as municipal accountant but it remained unresponsive.

In her letter to Gungob dated November 21, 2006, Gabud said that the appointment of Cataluna lacked required certification as to the duties and responsibilities of work experience acquired in private companies.

“This office has given substantial time to comply with said requirement, the same being crucial to the determination whether he is qualified to the position in terms of experience,” COA said.

It added the post vacancy was permanent in nature after the municipal administrator has permanently abandoned, waived or relinquished the position.

“Cataluna’s personal neglect, failure and misdeed should not be made to effect the valid appointment of Marano, who in good faith, has religiously rendered service to the municipality and has complied with all the requirements of his employment papers,” state auditors said. — Garry B. Lao/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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