Salcon mgt, workers decide to return to negotiating table

CEBU - The Salcon Power Corporation and the company’s labor union yesterday agreed to return to the negotiating table to settle their pending issues.

This after the Salcon Power Independent Union withdrew its notice of strike against SPC during yesterday’s third and last mediation meeting at the National Conciliation and Mediation Board.

SPC was both surprised and relieved by the union’s decision.

Alfredo Ballesteros of the SPC management panel said they have always maintained that the union has raised non-strike issues, which denied the union the moral ascendancy before the eyes of the public.

“We are relieved that SPIU has finally seen the light. Cebu can now rest assured of the reign of industrial peace at the power complex in Naga City,” Ballesteros said, adding, that they welcome the return of the union to negotiations.

SPIU decided to withdraw its notice to strike after the SPC management promised to resolve their issues with immediacy.

Right now, seven issues in the political aspect of the Collective Bargaining Agreement has not yet been resolved including the non-recognition of the union, security of tenure, bargaining unit and exclusions and management prerogatives among others.

SPIU President Gaudioso Iso Jr. said they are giving the management the chance to address the concerns so that the public would not be inconvenienced.

Likewise, the union would also reportedly want to determine the management’s sincerity and would not hesitate to pursue another notice of strike if the management fails. 

Negotiations are scheduled on September 18, October 2, 16 and 30.

NCMB Director Edmundo Mirasol said both parties can actually agree to set aside the seven unresolved political issues and proceed to negotiating for the economic aspect of the CBA, considering that, unlike the economic issues, the political issues consist of but 10 percent of the CBA.

SPIU filed a notice of strike on August 26 because of a deadlock in the negotiation of CBA.

SPIU has called for an increase in income and security of tenure for its members to know when their appointment shall end now that the operation contract of Salcon Power has been extended from 2009 to 2012. — Jessica Ann Pareja and Mitchelle Palaubsanon/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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