Salcon management braces for strike to prevent brownouts

CEBU - The management of SPC Salcon Power Corporation assured Cebuanos that it is taking necessary measures to ensure that the province will have a stable power supply in the event its employees make good of their threat to go on strike.

SPC said that it is coordinating with the National Power Corporation and is now in the process of putting in place the necessary skilled manpower to run the plant if and when the rank and file union “places Cebu under a hostage-situation to pressure management to accept their unreasonable demands.” Alfredo Ballesteros, SPC senior vice-president for finance and administration and chairman of the management panel said that Napocor has already committed to assist the power firm.

This developed as the rank and file union Salcon Power Independent Union yesterday vowed to pursue their plan to strike for the alleged non-commitment of the management to resolve their differences over the workers’ proposed collective bargaining agreement.

The SPIU tried to stage a picket at the National Conciliation and Mediation Board yesterday but have it postponed and instead chose to sit at the mediation table with the management for their second mediation meeting with the slightest hope to get what they are demanding.

Ballesteros said that aside from this strategy, the management is doing its best to convince the rank and file union to push for their concerns through dialogue and negotiations rather than mob pressure.

“We want union leaders to realize that pressure tactics, unreasonableness, and take-it-or-leave-it positions will not win them the public sympathy they are seeking, especially if one considers the fact that SPC employees already receive salaries and benefits far better than those given by most firms in Cebu,” Ballesteros said.

During the mediation, the union alleged that the management’s counter-proposal is meant to destroy the union since its provision allegedly does not recognize the group.

SPIU President Gaudioso Iso Jr. said those two proposals are non-negotiable because they are defined by the law, thus the management could not pose conditions on implementing them.

The union said that if no mediation happens within the reasonable span of time they allotted as an ultimatum, they will be forced to stage a protest.

But Ballesteros urged the union members to rise up towards responsibility and commitment of delivering uninterrupted and adequate power to Cebuanos by returning to the negotiation table.  

He added that while management has crafted positions within the confines of law, it has shown flexibility in contrast to that of the union which declared “non-negotiable” demands in their CBA.

SPIU is scheduled to talk with Naga Mayor Vladimir Chiong to solicit his help in solving the problem.

The third mediation meeting between the SPIU and the management is set on September 10. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon and Jessica Ann Pareja/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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