Ecleo asks Econg again to reconsider decision

Cult leader and parricide suspect Ruben Ecleo Jr. again strongly appealed to Regional Trial Court Branch 9 judge Geraldine Faith Econg to reconsider inhibiting from handling his case because by doing so, it would mean that the case will be delayed for another year.

Ecleo described Econg’s order of inhibition as “baseless not having been anchored on just and valid grounds, and a clear violation of my right to speedy trial.”

It was prosecution lawyers Fritz Quiñanola and Alfredo Sipalay who sought the inhibition of Econg because they believe that the judge is no longer impartial in handling the case.

While Econg wants to finish the six-year-old case, she granted the move of the prosecution to avoid any suspicion that she has personal interest over the case and in order to avoid casting doubt on the integrity of the court proceedings.

But Ecleo, through his counsel Giovanni Mata, argues that the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that for bias to be a valid reason for the voluntary inhibition of judges, mere suspicion is not enough but there should be clear and convincing evidence to prove the allegation.

When she granted the motion for inhibition filed by the prosecution lawyers, Econg maintained that she remains to be an impartial and neutral judge and the accusation of the prosecution has not been sufficiently shown.

Mata said the records of the case have already reached eight volumes —at six inches per volume— and that to transfer the case to a new judge for the hearing of the same will entail further delay as it will take several months for him to study the records.

RTC executive judge Fortunato de Gracia had asked Econg to reconsider her decision. He also asked court administrator Zenaida Elepano to direct Econg to set the case for a continuous trial as it is already in its ultimate stage with two more defense witnesses to be presented, and to dispose it within 60 days.

Econg said she will wait for whatever orders from the Supreme Court.  She is the sixth judge to handle the parricide case. —Rene U. Borromeo/MEEV

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