Council backs proposal vs. ads degrading women

The city council is supporting a move in Congress that seeks to penalize media and advertising outfits that propagate advertisements that are degrading to women.

The council expressed support to House Bill 2811 authored by Cebu City north district Rep. Raul Del Mar and fellow representatives Glenda Ecleo, Bienvenido Abante, Jeci Lapus and Juan Edgardo Angara in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution for the government to value the dignity of every human person, which guarantees full respect for human rights.

House Bill 2811, called the Advertisement Regulation Act of 2007, aims to penalize any advertising agency, television or radio station and publication, “which exploit women and glorify sexual violence in its advertisements.”

“The City of Cebu recognizes the role of women in nation-building, as well as the need to ensure the security of women’s dignity in all aspects of their life...the 1987 Constitution mandates that the State shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions, and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation,” the council said.

The congressmen said there is a need to “protect the morals of society” in view of the pervasive effect of advertisements on the values of children and the public at large.

Aside from those in television, radio and in the newspaper, the proposed law also aims to regulate advertisements on posters and billboards.

Under the proposal, violators may be fined at least P50,000 but not more than P70,000 for the first offense plus suspension of license or permit for 30 days.  For the second offense, violators may be fined at least P70,000 but not more than P80,000 and a suspension of license or permit for 60 days.  For the third offense, the violators may suffer imprisonment of at least six months to six years, may be fined at least P80,000 or both fine and jail term depending on the discretion of the court and a cancellation of license.

The proposed law says that if the offender is a firm, corporation, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, manager, president or any responsible officer of the advertising agency, television station, radio station, and publication.

If the offender is an alien, he or she shall be deported after serving his or her sentence and shall be barred from reentering the Philippines.

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board will be tasked to monitor compliance of the law and, in partnership with the Department of Justice, shall initiate the prosecution against those who violate it.

“In view of the pervasive effect of advertisements in various media on the values of children and the public in general, and recognizing the need to protect the vulnerable sectors of society from machinations and manipulations designed to increase profit, it is hereby declared the policy of the state to regulate advertisements in print, radio, television, outdoor advertisements including posters and billboards, in movie theaters and other media,” the proposal reads.  Joeberth M. Ocao/BRP

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