The Pag-IBIG Fund has launched a program that allows its members, working abroad, to remit their monthly contributions and pay their loan amortizations through any overseas branch of the Philippine National Bank.
The Philippine Information Agency, in its online report, said Pag-IBIG and PNB got into a partnership on overseas bills payment system for collection and transmittal using PNB’s branches abroad.
This e-payment is available to members who are registered under the Pag-IBIG Overseas Program (POP), said the PIA report.
For local members, Pag-IBIG since two years ago has provided a system that lets borrowers get their loan proceeds easier and faster through the Land Bank of the Philippines.
LBP was chosen as a depository bank of loan proceeds to any Pag-IBIG borrower who wishes to have an account with LBP. — Ferliza C. Contratista/RAE