2 men rob gasoline station in Mabolo

Two men robbed a gasoline station along the corner of L. Tudtud Street and M. J. Cuenco Avenue in barangay Mabolo yesterday dawn and took away at least P2,000 from the establishment.

PO2 Ian Carl Samson, of the Mabolo Police Station, told The Freeman that the two men, one of them armed with .45 caliber pistol, robbed the Caltex gasoline station owned by a certain Grace Yolada.

Police said one of the robbers approached the security guard, Luareto Pizzane, 23, of Archangel Security Agency, and suddenly pistol-whipped him in the face, sending him to the ground. Pizzane had reportedly left his issued firearm inside a bag at his post prior to the incident.

The robber then went to the cashier’s booth and pointed his gun to cashier Sheryl Sencio Calsada. He then demanded for money but she refused to open the drawer.

This prompted the robber to fire his gun to warn Calsada. Fearing for her life, Calsada then reportedly open the drawer and the robber took the money, and immediately returned to his companion on board a black motorcycle.

Responding elements from the Mabolo Police Station led by SPO4 Raul Magdadaro recovered two empty shells of .45 caliber pistol from the area. — Edwin Ian Melecio/LPM


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