Fotog airs plaint vs. cops

A photographer of an international news agency cried harassment against a police group posted to secure the 12th ASEAN Summit after he was apprehended for allegedly taking pictures without securing a permit.

Romeo Gacad, chief photographer of Agence France Presse, was intercepted and held by police for about 15 minutes after he took pictures of a billboard of portraits of the ASEAN leaders near the Mactan-Cebu International Airport in Ibo, Lapu-Lapu City shortly after lunchtime yesterday.

Gacad had a heated altercation with the police personnel, whom he believes to be members of the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office, when the latter insisted that he go with them to the police station for interrogation.

This prompted the photographer to call Karl Wilson, AFP chief, who in turn phoned Press Undersecretary Roberto Capco to report the incident. Capco then called Gacad who handed over his phone to the police, whom he only knows as a certain Gadingan, to prove that he is a legitimate member of the press covering the summit.

"They (police) asked me to go to the police station, but I insisted not to go with them because I know I did not violate their regulations. That's the first time I heard of a regulation to have a permit for taking pictures in a public place," Gacad told The FREEMAN.

Gacad said that he just finished covering the economic ministers meeting at Shangri-La Mactan Hotel and Resort and was boarding an accredited vehicle on his way to buy food when they passed by the big billboard of portraits of ASEAN leaders in barangay Ibo. He said workers doing beautification under the billboard caught his attention that prompted him to take out his camera and took a few shots.

He explained he could not think of any violation because they have parked their vehicle properly on the side of the road so as not to hamper the traffic.

Gacad added that when they reached the foot of the Marcelo Fernan Bridge, a policeman, who was talking to somebody over his radio stopped them and peeked inside their vehicle.

Later, when they reached an intersection in Pusok, this was when the traffic light was still red, five fully-armed policemen led by a certain Gadingan stopped them and asked Gacad to go with them to the police station.

Believing he did not commit any violation, Gacad refused to obey that led to a heated altercation.

Capco was able to convince Gadingan that Gacad is a legitimate member of the press that is covering the ASEAN summit. Gadingan later apologized to the photographer, saying he is just doing his job by strictly implementing the security measures at the vicinity of the airport. - Wenna A. Berondo/MEEV

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