Popcom launches Responsible Parenting Movement

In its aim to make couples aware of their basic responsibilities as parents, the Commission on Population has launched its responsible parenting movement - a way to consider responsible parenting as a way of life towards the attainment of sustainable human development.

With the said movement, classes on responsible parenting will be done in the barangays to "mobilize the critical mass of parents who will compose the Responsible Parenting Movement," it was learned.

Popcom plans to educate at least 4.2 million couples nationwide between 2007 and 2010. It will have 10 classes per barangay involving 10 couples per class and will be conducted in 42,000 barangays in the country.

There will also be post-Responsible Parenting Movement activities to sustain the gains of the class. These activities include coaching/mentoring through home visits to the Natural Family Planning users of the class.

The RPM is in response to President Arroyo's directive for the Department of Health and Popcom to formulate and carry out an aggressive and systematic strategy to promote responsible parenting and Natural Family Planning.

Popcom regional director Leo Rama said that while people are familiar with the use of artificial methods like condoms, vasectomy and tubal ligation, they cannot identify the types of scientific natural family planning methods.

"The core of the plan is the grassroots campaign to bring the program as close to the people as possible," he said.

In the program, there will be a barangay Responsible Parenting Movement Group and a City/Municipal Responsible Parenting Movement Group.

The BRPMG will be composed of barangay health workers and other community based volunteers. The members of the BRPMG will recruit married couples for the RPM classes.

The City/Municipal Responsible Parenting Movement Team, on the other hand, will be created or formed by mayors. The team will involve city and population health officers who will serve as trainors to the BRPMG. - Jasmin R. Uy

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