Groups insist on holding protests against ASEAN

Despite stern warnings from authorities that "troublemakers", especially foreigners, will be barred from the 12th ASEAN Summit, members of civil society groups said they are ready to hold protest actions and challenge government leaders.

These groups-Freedom from Debt Coalition, Jubilee South, Kilusan Para sa Pambansang Demokrasya, and Sanlakas-disclosed that their activities, called the ASEAN People's Camp and Week of Action, are already scheduled from December 9 to 13.

In a joint statement, they said they "will gather different cause-oriented groups, civil libertarians, social movements and people's organization in a struggle for people's security, human rights, economic justice and democratic governance for the people of Southeast Asia."

"Our activities will be peaceful and creative exercise of our basic right to freedom of expression and assembly. The governments of the ASEAN should pay attention to what citizen's groups from their countries have to say," Jubilee South international coordinator and FDC vice president Lidy Nacpil said.

If the government pushes through with its warning to prevent protest activities, "it will demonstrate very clearly that the (ASEAN Summit) theme of a 'sharing and caring community is a sham," said Nacpil.

The week of action will have activities and mobilizations not only in Cebu but also in Manila and in other ASEAN countries, the group's officials said.

On December 10, the slated protest actions will be mobilization on debt and privatization then, on December 11, will be the fisherfolks' "Protestang Dagat," a fluvial protest action along the Mactan Channel against the ASEAN Fisheries Trade Liberalization.

It will be the peasants' turn to hold protest actions on December 12 and more on December 13 in Cebu and Manila.

The highlight of the week-long protests will be the ASEAN People's Camp at the University of the Philippines-Cebu grounds from December 12 to 13, followed by an international mobilization during the final day's afternoon.

Tents will be erected at the People's Camp as a place for exhibits, teach-ins, and tiangge, or small market.

There will be international public forums, seminars, and workshops also that will discuss topics such as trade and globalization, regional integration, debt and privatization, agri-fisheries and human rights.

On the evening of December 12, an ASEAN People's Concert will be held featuring national and local artists and performers. - Wenna A. Berondo

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