Right birth spacing focal point of PopDev Week celebration

Responsible Parenthood through right birth spacing is this year's focus in the celebration of the Population and Development Week from November 23 to 29.

Population Commission regional director Leo Rama enjoins all provincial and city population offices to come up with activities for this year's celebration in coordination with their local government executives.

This year's theme is "Responsible Parenthood for a Healthy and Progressive Nation: Right Birth Spacing Promotes Family Well Being."

Responsible Parenthood is recognized essential in establishing prosperous and healthy families. It is defined as the will and the ability to respond to the needs and aspirations of family members.

It also refers to the experiences, skills, qualities and responsibilities involved in being a parent and in teaching and caring for a child.

Rama said that at the Regional Population Office the weeklong celebration will be pursued to highlight the government's commitment to the attainment of the Millenium Development Goals (MDG).

The government encourages couples to practice birth spacing and breastfeeding to ensure quality health care for the mother and the child, family solidarity and family development.

To address the urgent need on birth spacing, the government promotes scientific natural family planning. - Jasmin R. Uy

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