Summit organizers to tap students for liaison work

The organizing committee of the 12th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit will be hiring students from different colleges and universities in Metro Cebu as liaison volunteers.

Cordova Mayor Arleigh Jay Sitoy, who is also the Cebu Organizing Committee liaison in-charge, said during the 888 News Forum at the Parklane Hotel yesterday, that they are inviting different colleges and universities to nominate students for the job, based on criteria that will be sent to them.

Student volunteers may come from different courses as they will be matched to different activities that will best suit them.

Sitoy said the Department of Foreign Affairs will screen and provide trainings to liaison volunteers in coordination with the liaison officers.

Volunteers will be getting a modest allowance but Sitoy said he does not know the amount yet. The school and the Commission on Higher Education will also give merits to chosen students.

Applicants will undergo background check to make sure that those who belong to activist groups will not get accepted in the program to avoid embarrassing situations during the summit.

Nagiel Bañacia, spokesperson of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña, who is also a member of the committee, stressed that volunteer liaisons are tasked to extend support to liaison officers.

Bañacia said that although students are given a secondary role, this is an opportune time for them to experience working for an international event. The committee is also tapping students because they know their way around Cebu and can surely assist the delegates and the support staff.

Meanwhile, the Office of Civil Defense 7 has urged other local government units who are not directly involved in the summit activities to do their part especially in the security aspect and secure their respective areas.

OCD-7 director Angel Gaviola said that natural or man-made disasters may happen far from the venue of the summit, thus he is calling for public participation.

Major hospitals in Metro Cebu have also been readied for emergencies during the event. - Gregg M. Rubio/QSB

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