Minor accused of killing another minor, surrenders

The minor suspected of torturing to death his 11-year-old co-worker at a woodcraft factory in Asturias town has surrendered yesterday dawn to Agbanga barangay captain Alison Bustillo, as the body of the victim is yet to be recovered.

The 16-year-old suspect surrendered 72 hours after the incident was reported to the police last Tuesday afternoon by the victim's older brother, Almedo Miano, of sitio Matam-agan, barangay Bago.

Cebu Provincial Police Office director Vicente Loot yesterday said he instructed the Asturias police to file appropriate charges against the suspect.

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia is saddened by the incident since both the victim and the suspect were already working, a clear indication of child labor.

Witnesses told police that the suspect mauled and electrocuted the victim, whose body was then reportedly placed in a sack and thrown into Ginabasan River in the barangay. They said they even tried to stop the suspect from torturing the victim, but he threatened to stab them.

The suspect was reportedly mad at the victim for stealing his money several times, the first two incidents of which involved P100 and P50.

The suspect reportedly lost P70 in the latest incident, prompting him to allegedly kill the victim.

Loot said that based on the testimonies of the three witnesses who positively identified the suspect, a case can be filed against the accused, adding that the pieces of evidence such as the instrument used in the killing have to be recovered later. - Gregg M. Rubio and Cristina C. Birondo

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