Police get new regional chief

Chief Supt. Silverio Alarcio, Jr. has been installed as acting director of the Police Regional Office-7 yesterday mainly to oversee the security of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit to be held in Cebu in December.

Alarcio said that he is tasked to make sure that the summit is successful and safe amidst threats of terrorism.

Alarcio has been called by his peers as "operation guy" for his experience in handling security situations, most notably those during the visit of Pope John Paul II to Manila in 1995 and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in 1996.

He also observed the handling of security during the last ASEAN Summit in Malaysia.

PNP Director Arturo Lomibao who was the guest speaker in yesterday's turn over ceremony at PRO-7 headquarters said that Alarcio brings with him a vast experience especially in the peace and order campaign. "We are confident that he will take care of the region just as what General Gador has done during his tenure of office," Lomibao said.

Outgoing PRO-7 director Eduardo Gador also delivered a speech before the audience. He is the first Cebuano to serve as PRO-7 director.

"It feels great, I feel excited yet apprehensive, happy but sad. Apprehensive because I don't know what God has in store for me but I am happy to face that new day to face new challenges," Gador said adding that there are still so many things to do.

"I am happy that I am retiring. Happy because by then I will have more time to spend with my family," Gador added.

There are 26 star rank officers of the PNP nationwide who are retiring including Lomibao. Lomibao said that PNP leadership is implementing some minor reorganization with the retirement of 26 star rank officers as the continuing effort to professionalize the police organization and to make it responsive to the needs of the community.

Lomibao said that as chief of the PNP, he has laid down his action program and this is to build stronger police stations that are manned by an adequate number of personnel who are determined, well trained and well equipped. - Gregg M. Rubio

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