Vidal calls on community to enjoy 'Easter season'

Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal urged Cebuanos to celebrate a "happy Easter season amid dreary times, as this marks the rising of Christ from the dead."

Vidal said that the country at present is facing "dark and dreary days" in the arena of politics as well as in the area of economics.

"Our people, especially the many who are poor continue to be so afflicted... we are wounded people by the sad affairs of the state," he added.

"As men and women of joy and hope, let us try to look and be happy and hopeful, for by the grace of God the best is yet to come only if we pay it forward and become good and faithful home and at work," Vidal said.

"This year of my Jubilee, I heartily wish for you all not just a happy Easter day, but also a happy Easter season," he added.

Vidal who is celebrating his Jubilee this year officiated the dawn Holy Mass in the annual "Sugat" or "Panagtagbo" at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral yesterday.

"Let us greet each other happy Easter. We have all the reasons to be happy because we have all developed some beautiful religious activities at Easter. There is the "Salubong" which dramatizes the meeting of the Risen Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary," Vidal said. - Jasmin R. Uy

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