For arresting robber: Tom to give P5,000 reward, promote 6 Citom personnel

Mayor Tomas Osmeña will give P5,000 reward each and promote one rank higher the six City Traffic Operations Management personnel who apprehended a robber last month.

Osmeña made the announcement yesterday noon shortly before the City Council approved a resolution filed by Councilor Sylvan Jakosalem requesting for the promotion of Citom personnel Benjie Matillano, Pablito Nuesana, Ferlizardo Escoto, Rhodora Ano, Josephine Ybañez and Roderick Plaza.

Osmeña described the reward and promotion as a "real productivity bonus" following queries why such have not yet been given to the employees of City Hall.

Osmeña admitted the P5,000 reward money is not as much as the reward money he had given to police personnel but said he would not want to appear like he's favoring the traffic enforcers.

In the morning of March 20, a certain Loyd Lobetania entered a cell phone shop and, at gunpoint, ordered the attendant to place inside his bag 10 assorted cell phone units. When shop owner Alex Alivio arrived, Lobetania immediately placed the gun back inside his bag and hurriedly went out of the establishment.

The traffic enforcers who heard Alivio's shout for help immediately rushed to the scene but the culprit then pointed his gun at them, prompting them to step back. Lobetania then fled.

Despite not having firearms, motorized enforcers Neusana and Matillano, who were notified through hand-held radios, quickly responded and chased Lobetania.

Other enforcers joined the pursuit, which subsequently led to Lobetania's arrest and confiscation of his .45 caliber pistol with licenser and two .45 magazines with live ammunitions. - Joeberth M. Ocao

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