Drunk man caught for lobbing grenade

A rattan worker was arrested after he detonated a grenade in sitio Tabla, barangay Sudlon I, the other night.

Yuri Abella, 31, a job-order rattan worker was arrested by SPO1s Graciano Tan and Shan Colubio of the Sudlon detachment.

Although no one was reported hurt or killed during the incident, 12 of Abella's neighbors went to the office of the Security and Service Group to file a complaint against him.

Dionisio Tabura, a tanod of the place, said they were all shaken by the blast and that Abella often made trouble whenever he was drunk.

Abella admitted he was drunk when he played with the grenade and pulled out the pin. When he could not return the pin he decided to throw it in an open space, adding that he never intended to hurt anybody.

He said he found the grenade in a field a few years ago.

The suspect is now detained at the CPPO stockade and appropriate charges are being prepared against him. - Norvie S. Misa

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