7 girls photographed naked rescued

Seven minor girls who were being taken naked photos by three persons were rescued by elements of Carbon Police Station at the Unit II of Carbon Fish Market Tuesday evening.

The parents of one of the girls complained to police that the children were being taken naked pictures that will be sold to foreigners for undetermined amount.

The parents of the children accompanied SPO4 Jose Gesto, SPO1 Julius Umpad and SPO2 Eugenio Teves during the raid.

However, the persons who recruited the children to pose naked eluded arrest, and their names have been withheld pending their arrest and the filing of complaints against them.

The children were brought to the Family, Gender Juvenile and Sensitivity Section of the city police. Supt. Norma Corbo, the section chief, said she did not receive the report from their investigators on the matter.

She added that the report was not yet entered in the blotter. - Norvie S. Misa

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