Man commits suicide in barangay Tinago

After trying to end his life for several times, this time he finally made it.

A 28-year-old man reportedly committed suicide by jumping from the window of their house along MacArthur Boulevard in barangay Tinago early morning yesterday.

Police identified the fatality as Antonio Mascariñas who was believed to be suffering from mental illness.

Initial investigation conducted by the Homicide police led by SPO2 Alex Dacua revealed that the victim jumped from the 15-feet high window of their house and hit his head on the cemented ground.

Dacua said that the night prior to the incident, Mascariñas' family noticed him collecting ropes, electrical wires and other materials, which they immediately confiscated from him.

Mascariñas was reported to have attempted to commit suicide several times but his family would always prevent him. His relatives told police that they believed his mental illness resulted from his constant drinking without taking meals. - Norvie S. Misa

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