Stevedoring firm settles tax dues to avoid closure

The Cebu City Revenue Task Force closed down the Cebu Arrastre Stevedoring Services Corporation at Pier 3 yesterday morning for failing to settle unpaid business taxes since 2002 amounting to P745, 340.

The task force, however, reopened the stevedoring firm in the afternoon after the firm made partial payments and executed an affidavit of undertaking.

Nanette Sungahid, head of the task force, said the firm paid P50,000 yesterday, covering the unpaid taxes for 2002, and agreed to pay the balance due in monthly installments of P200,000 per month until March next year.

The oath stipulates the firm's agreement to the provision that the city will close it again in case it fails to pay at least one installment, and will only reopen the firm if it pays the entire balance due.

Sungahid said there are still several establishments in the city that have been delinquent in the payment of business taxes.

The task force has been checking on other establishments' tax accounts and will also close down those with delinquencies. Those that will not settle their accounts could not renew their business licenses next year, she said. - Mitchelle P. Calipayan

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